Legalizing Marijuana: Costs vs Benefits

Complete video at: Police chief Scott Kirkland debates marijuana advocates Eugene Schoenfeld and Richard Lee over the costs and benefits of legalization. Kirkland argues that the tax revenue it generates will be offset by the increased public health costs, while Schoenfeld and Lee counter that keeping marijuana illegal insures unreasonably high crime rates associated with the drug. —– Marijuana is by some estimates California’s largest cash crop, bringing in more than twice the revenue of vegetables, yet we don’t tax this green. Legalizing and taxing pot could provide $1.3 billion to help our hemorrhaging economy, but it might also lead to additional problems and undermine anti-drug efforts. Is this crop just cash waiting to be reaped, or is it more complicated? Come hear advocates on both sides argue the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. – Commonwealth Club of California Scott Kirkland is the Chief of the El Cerrito Police Department. He is also a member of the board of directors of the California Police Chiefs Association. Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld practices psychiatry, with a specialty in psychopharmacology. His work in psychopharmacology includes the study, diagnosis, and treatment of problems related to drug abuse and addiction. Since 1983, he has served on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Dr. Schoenfeld is a member of the court-appointed psychiatrist panels for the Superior Courts of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin …
Does California act as it’s own health insurance company? Were any of those figures about the cost of rehab associated with court mandated rehab?
Does California act as it’s own health insurance company? Were any of those figures about the cost of rehab associated with court mandated rehab
I think they should tax the hell out of weed and put the money in our school system instead of using our taxes to incarcerate Americans for using weed!
weed is an herb that has more benefits than not. Im not really sure why its illegal.
I wonder where he got 20 pounds of weed to drop on a lab rat… And what did he do with Mary Jane after the experiment was over?!?
Theres no debate that a large percentage of people want it decriminalized and orlegalized, the problem is that it would be bad for business so the gov won’t allow it.
If you look at the legalization in Amsterdam and the short decriminalization in Oregon you will see that removing prohibition does not lead to more usage. Marijuana is much safer than alcohol. It is most harmful to young people whose brains are still developing, and marijuana is more available to young people than alcohol. Dealers don’t I.D. Legalizing it would make it easier to keep it away from kids.
i enjoy smoking weed everyday its such a blessing
@brendynireland same story here man :p 5 days for me for 2 joints
they haven’t stopped it’s guys like that cop in the video who turn the majority of the population who don’t even know anything about weed (for them it’s almost the same as coke or meth)into believing that it is harmfull. Even if all studies have proved that the only direct way of harming a human(or any) being with cannabis is by throwing it at them in large quantities and at high velocity.
If by now the goverment isn’t convinced i’m afraid they never will be
@MrAcosta778 It’s illegal so that assholes can profit from locking poor people up. basically.
Okay, if pot is so dangerous and harmful, then how come people who have smoked it almost every day for 5yrs are more perfect then people who have smoked tobacco for the same amount of yrs? Alcohol is more dangerous also, but they legalized that. Just legalize weed and make the 60% of people who haven’t been brainwashed by the government happy.
come on guys, give the government some credit, they managed to brainwash 40% of the united states lol
Legalize a human fact..IT IS LEGAL..dont let them fool you
id literaly like to say “FUCK AMERICA”. im 15 years old and was thrown into juvi 4 fucking days for just 1 gram of pot. yeah i should be careful or whatever but wtf. i could go on all day with the its safer than alcohal and tobacco routine but you all already know, everyone does. jesus! i wish obama would take a break of fixing the depression to this so it would. oh yeah thats right…every vote hes trying to pass has been fucking shut down by the house of reps. because the majority is assholes!
Marijuana kills NO ONE!
I’d rather have my shit scanned and taxed than having my ass thrown in jail for buying pot…sure some don’t like big government seeing dollar signs when the drug becomes legal, but it’s quixotic to say the best way (totally free weed) should be the only way. That is sometimes incompatible with reality.
im so upset that cali. did not legalize weed…i was hoping they would lead the way and show people how sane legalization really is..reefer madness is still out there
they both pwned that reefer madness psycho.
“Blackout” drunk. “Blackout” high. Which one makes sense? I feel safe driving high, the only fear I have is being caught. I don’t even feel safe driving drunk. Visions blurred, reactions slowed, thoughts jumbled. When I’m high it’s less of an “impairing” and more of paranoia that would even make me drive poorly. It doesn’t make sense. If you won’t legalize it then criminalize alcohol consumption because right now there are plenty of drunk driving accidents. Stop being ignorant and let’s light up
Talk about hemp.
seriously, just make tobacco illegal and weed legal. lots would be happy with that. smoking tobacco kills. weed can’t kill you. seriously. weed can’t kill you. and the stupid shit’s this guy in the video was talking about that went to the er cus of weed are stupid asses.
the phycological effects would be the only big worry. There would be less crime, the government would make more money; they would just need to make sure people understood the phycological state it can put you in after a lot of smoking..
i mean “… leave us alone for good…”
@cKooLaiD311 crack heads are annoying.. especially after they come down and are trying to get more crack.. I say give them all the crack they want so they stop bugging us for money.. give them enough and maybe they will overdose and leave us along for good.. but if you want help them we could offer them medical help.. however sending them to jail and giving them a record wont help them, it will only make their situation worse