Why Legalize Marijuana?
September 10, 2010 MSNBC MOXNews.com
September 10, 2010 MSNBC MOXNews.com
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@limoguy333 I would just ban adding additives and radioactive waste to tobacco.
@redkenshinx321 Ok but my main point was that people should care about more than one issue, let the bigger issues take main priority, and not only care about things because they affect you directly. Yes majiuana could affect a lot of issues and it’s safe and freedom etc. but you’re not going to die if you don’t use it either. If you need it for medical reasons, there are probably a lot of other issues you can go after that would prevent you from needing medical attention.
@crazypants88 These are baby steps. Hopefully the world will realize this someday but until then we can show them that the world wont end by legalizing the safest illegal drug known to man.
@videowithmeaning look at statistic and you’ll see that minorities get arrested on possession in record numbers compared to whites.As it is now, if i were caught w/ mj it can cause problems in:student loans, jobs, housing prospects, child custody, etc.Just because you think the new world order issue is a more important doesn’t make it so but if conspiracy theories are the most important issues 4 u, i wouldnt call you stupid or look down upon u for what u believe in but i try not 2 B judgemental
@jkepic25 People should be able to do whatever the hell they want if their own body. If you ban smoking, what’s next, banning big macs and french fries?
@redkenshinx321 I don’t really see the comparison, I would think wages are a bigger issue than the legality of a specific item. Not only in this society do you basically need a wage to live but it’s also nationwide legal corporate sexism. I think what would be similar is people that only care about the price of gas rising because they happen to drive. If it was about freedom there would be a whole lot more to it than just legalizing marijuana. There a lot bigger issues against freedom then that.
@NathanHaselhorst Im too lazy
@videowithmeaning its not selfish to care about your freedom, by your logic a woman who cares about unequal pay for women is selfish.
Legalize the most Healthiest Herb on the Earth.
Watch the video and actually listen, it explains your question.
@Slam54102 Its never going to be truly legal until it is Federally legal.
Will it be legal EVERYWHERE? or just in california?
I wish that they had mentioned that although smoking it is the most acknowledge way to use it, there are healthier ways to use it. You can cook it (including making butter out of it), use tincture (a drop of liquid under your tongue), and vaporize it (similar to asthmatics using a nebulizer).
I personally do not use it, but I know a few people who benefit from it for real medical problems. It does help them without all the horrible side effects that prescription drugs do.
I’ll light up my bong on that one…
@redkenshinx321 Exactly, and that’s basically my point. Most people only seem to really care because they use Marijuana, not for any legit reason. Do you think if the majority didn’t use it they would be pushing to legalize it? No they wouldn’t care. That’s the same reason all these other issues go overlooked. Because they don’t directly affect anyone so no one really cares. That is my point. Ppl acting like they’re pushing for some big issue are really just not wanting to get arrested. Selfish
hey one thing it should be legal for everyone because it never killed anyone and if u believe in the bible u will be in him when he said all seed baring plants i give too u so if u dont believe me look it up so hah a whole haters
Legalize it bro
@videowithmeaning well most people dont have to deal with all that on a daily basis in their personal life.
My town is the only one in CA which has established guidelines for operation of cannabis apothacaries and has already granted business licences for three. After we vote in November other towns will scramble to follow suit.
Bout bloody time that this was at least put to vote. Of course the crooks want to tax (steal) any money being made…
@TheUSMetalhead fuck taxation as well
@FeelFreeToArgue Well, needless to say, I applaud these efforts, but it’s hardly the most pressing problem we are facing today. I’m not a single issue voter, never have been. If my congressional rep votes for the legalization of pot, fine. If the same rep then votes pro-war, including its funding, then he/she will not get my vote anymore. Some issues are more grave + important than others.
Legalize it and show the world how its done! and then come to sweden and legalize it here to because i don´t wana pay tax against somthing that dosn´t work!
Why just marijuana? All recreational drugs should be made legal for this exact principle: Making a drug, any recreational drug, illegal does not remove the demand for it. It simply pushes them underground to the black market, where prices skyrocket and quality plummets. Abolish the war on drugs, all drugs.