VapirRise Vaporizer Review
The VapirRise (pronounced “VAY-po-rize”) is a brand new forced-air vaporizer from Vapir, makers of the wildly popular portable NO2 vaporizer. Seasoned vaporists have likely encountered forced-air technology at one point or another; most likely it was a Volcano or Arizer’s Extreme Q. My personal introduction to vaporizers was an improvised heat gun with a balloon bag attachment on top. This was a cheap, yet effective way to get great results, but for connoisseurs who want a complete all-in-one device, the VapirRise tops all predecessors.
The first thing that distinguishes the VapirRise is the precise Touch Pad control system.
Like the Volcano Digital, this vaporizer employs a digital LED display that is extremely easy to read and control. Users canchoose between Celsius and Fahrenheit and they can modulate both temperature and fan speed, so the vapor created is either light or heavy, depending on the kind of hit you prefer.
Another distinguishing characteristic is the ability to choose between a balloon bag attachment or the traditional hands-free whip attachment. The internal fan and ceramic heating element are whisper-quiet and both options deliver satisfying hits; I prefer the bag myself, because it has a valve you can switch to keep the vapor confined as you pass it or set it down. With the direct inhalation whip, you risk letting vapor escape as you pass it from person to person, but really it’s a matter of personal preference.
What’s really cool about the VapirRise Vaporizer is its’ unparalleled versatility. This vape comes with a unique Multi-User Adapter, which permits vaporization for up to four people at one time. This attachment essentially turns your VapirRise into a hookah so there’s no waiting for your oblivious friend to pass the bag or whip. Or if you want to “set the mood,” just attach the Aromatherapy Oil Chamber and you can vaporize essential oils for a romantic evening, yoga session, or simply to add a pleasant aroma to your domicile.
However, the best thing about the VapirRise is its’ incredible value. For only $250 you can get the most versatile vaporizer ever created at a fraction of the cost of other leading desktop units!
[…] Vaporizer are a greater alternative for people who used to smoke. It is always good to replace a bad habit with good habit. Person who is using vaporizer stands no risk on inhaling smoke, unlike with smoking. You want to know the benefit of using vaporizer instead of smoking, which is harmful to your health. It is a device used to inhale the essence of a particular herb or the combination of the herbs. It works in total contrast to smoking where smoke is released. […]
[…] problems without any side effects. In the internet you may get the details of best Vaporizer, VapirRise Vaporizer with price list, feature and its benefits. The top most vaporizer available in the market is the […]
[…] Vaporize is the best one among all the varieties due to its portability and dual functionality. VapirRise Vaporizer are used as Aromatherapy device. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants for […]