.5 Gram Bong Toke Ghost Hit

Ghost hittin half a gram out of my ADS perculator… Ghost hitting is clearing the whole bole and holding it in long enough you dont blow out any smoke!
Ghost hittin half a gram out of my ADS perculator… Ghost hitting is clearing the whole bole and holding it in long enough you dont blow out any smoke!
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thumbs up if anyone else thought it said 5 gram bong hit
I have the same scale
SICKKK i used to do this 6 times a day, bad habit but real gooood
jw, anyone else notice his high school lunch tray? lol
@SenorPaconess including yours?
I am quite impressed man. quite impressed!
I dig it. Keep blazing man!
38% thc, shut the fuck up. if you had even half a brain you would know that 38% is impossible. Don’t believe me, try researching it you stupid, cocky, arrogant, canadian fuck
@hockeyguy10101010 Also at 1:25
dammn ive seen a coupple of your videos and i think that your a sick ass foo when it comes to bud.. dammn hommie your like a jr of bob marley.. props
should of got 2 lighters on it bro, but holy shit man you got some lungs
i have to see that again
as much as i give you props for that, that was awesome, but at the start of the video you said ” thats a pretty nice load”
@masterboom101 .5 is insane for only one hit
weed king
@TheSwEdZ actually i can just ask my grower and ill get it within the hour and i pay about 550 a quarter pound around like 1000 for a half, so if you do the math i get less than 5 a gram of some headband, super silver haze, lemon haze, green crack, white widow, white rhino. alaskan thunderfuck, northern lights, g13, blueberry northern lights, grand daddy purp, ak-47, pineapple express, pineapple dog shit, trainwreck, sour diesel, sputnik, and much more, all pretty fucking high in thc content,
@fallen3579 lool u have no idea i live in canada and i can get the best weed ive been to amsterdam and california but the best weed is here i can get any kind of weed i want if i cant get it from a dealer then i just order online and it comes to my door in 2 days u cant do that in the states and i garuntee ive smoked stronger sht then u have i used to push pounds of white rhino through my town and it was 38% and i baught 6 bucks a g u cant beet that
AND YOU HELD IT! that is in my 10 top people hittin bongs omfg lol
@masterboom101 where do you get your weed from? cuz if its not oregon, california or beloved amsterdam then you have no right to say you smoke the bombest weed and by the way headband or super silver haze will put you on your ass and will shit out your bunk ass canadian weed. go fuck your faggot cousin, peace bitch
This man knows how to hit a bong
your a vaGINA
@stunna8862 props to his other vids
@zDoPeFeInD420z Buddy i toke .5 kiff tokes everyday from the bombest weed youll smoke, its called canada and our standards are Higher,
Massacheifa420 wouldnt ghost good weed
@GrapeDutchyMasta he did not go to jail. he only got a ticket and his peices taken away