2010 Vote Yes on California Prop 19 and Legalize Marijuana once and for all

Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@itsGerbilsworld dude, your breath stinks until you brush your teeth, and im not talking like cigarettes that shit lingers weed doesnt. marijuana has no physical effects except red eyes and thats only when your high. the people youve run into who are rude while high must be on some other stuff because weed is all about peace
@MrYozhik2010 wow sweetie – three weeks since your last post – you off hitting the bong again?
@itsGerbilsworld lol thats funny i was really happy before i did it it just makes me happier im just sayin dont bash till ya try it
No, i just don’t need to sniff plants to keep myself happy.
@itsGerbilsworld i bet anyone 15 bucks this guy has never smoked weed and is just really ignorant
It’s a fkn shame that anyone would want Cannabis illegal.
You big dope smoking dummy! You dudes were so stoned you actually thought you’d win!
Ha, ha! You’re a bunch of dummies. Go make a hemp shirt and smoke it!
DOPE LOST! And with it, the dopers lost. Marijuana is a mind altering drug. It’s consciousness reducing.
I leap for joy as you get criminal records are are locked up in jail with the other losers. I’d arrest all of your hempsters. You all suck!
Joy! You dopers lost. Yay!
@theycallmenica Fuck him. I guess im a reublican, i think the govt shouldnt conrtoll shit but disagree with a lot of stuff. I think prohibition is bull and shouldn’t exist, which is what makes since for republicans.
Why would anyone want to legalize marijuana? It makes you’re breath smell like shit , you’re face worse than britney spears and most people i’ve ran into that are high are just plain fucking rude. It should’ve never been discovered to begin with =P
I like hookah more than anything now.
Prop 19 lost, but 46% of people who voted yes shows how is changing the general attitude towards this medicinal and sacred herb…They can’t stop the time…we will win next time !!
If you didn’t get out and vote yesterday; slap the shit out of yourself!
No man has a right to tax a fruit of the earth.
A new Rastafari amendment…
“All California law, both civil and criminal, concerning marijuana is hereby repealed by the people of California.
Any public official, public employee, or judge in California who violates this amendment to the California Constitution by making any laws, or imposing any tax, rules or regulation of marijuana is subject to arrest, criminal prosecution and ten years in prison.”
2 yrs from now all of the U.S should be able to vote for prop19
not only cali ,its grown their but most of its consumed everywhere else
11-2012 the next time around to vote , that yr has a better sound to it
till then get ur tax free weed
You mean you fucking assholes in california bitch about the DEA raiding places, finally get it on a ballot, and FUCKING LOSE, Ahhhhhhh “MUTHERFUCKER” 49 other states were depending on you to make sure it passed. Can’t you fuckin retards do anything right. Holy fuckin shit get ahold of yourselves man. We had the perfect oppurtunity for THIS YEAR not the next 1-15 years. Thanks Cali. Way too fuckin vote. I hope it’s not even on the ballot next year, fuck it.
People it’s over Stupid people of California voted NO. What the hell is wrong with everybody. I am moving to Netherlands for fuxking good.
So wait I can go to the liquor store and buy 100 cases of EVERCLEAR,Pass it out to ALL my friends at my house party,while smoking bongloads of Salvia and popping Oxycottons with absalutly NO limit…But Prop 19 would only alow us ONE OUNCE! And you guys dont think theres somthing wrong with our government and the laws they set up!
LOL yeah vote yes on prop 19 so you can grow your own ganja you could NEVER legally harvest.Just Clipping your sun leaves and carring them to the garbage puts you in violation for having more then an OUNCE and you havnt even harvested yet.OH yeah thats a law I want…DUMB FUCKS!
@ESJAY5150 not everyone smokes cigarettes same with weed, lots of people i know hate it or rather the effects given its like saying everyone’s an alcoholic ….. i dont event drink!
Yes 1,225,224 44.0%
No 1,559,810 56.0%
24% of precincts reporting; Updated 11/02 10:36PM
please pass!
Yes 1,078,222 43.4%
No 1,407,029 56.6%
19% of precincts reporting; Updated 11/02 9:42PM
Yes 1,029,685 43.2%
No 1,355,837 56.8%
come onnnnnn (17% counted)
Yes 1,029,685 43.2%
No 1,355,837 56.8%
come onnnnnn