110110 – Prop 203 Passes! Medical Marijuana is Legal in Arizona!

Dr. Bruce Bedrick announces that Arizona Prop 203 Passes and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries will be opening soon. KIND CLINICS is a medical marijuana dispensary marketing and licensing company and is the leading expert in medical marijuana use and dispensing in the State of Arizona. Kind Clinics is diligently working to support and educate the state of Arizona legislators in helping to create the rules and regulations necessary to bring dispensaries to the community in an efficient and safe way. This is an exciting time for Arizona. For patients it means that they will have SAFE and CONVENIENT access to the medicine they need. The passage 203 also means revenue and new jobs to the residents of the great state of Arizona. For more information visit: www.KindClinics.com Xtreme Media Solutions is the media management company for Kind Clinics. For inquiries, to have Dr. Bruce speak at your next engagement, or for interviews please contact us at 602-357-1385. http
Joe Arpaio is screaming in anger right now.
I hope his asshole closed so tight he got rectal cancer!
every gay HIV invected without a gay card should go to prison and die!
A gay card could be used to tracxk the HIV, for example
Maby you should get a GAY CARD, doctor!?
Isn’t it all about NON DISCRIMINATION???
forget that stupid Marijuana Card! Everyone should be able to have it without problems
Fuck you stupid doctor! There is no non medical marijuana!
You have to LEGALIZE marijuana for all!
How much is it going to coast is are insernice going to cover it??
People of Arizona, Click Me
As soon as I heard this I imagined sonic the hedgehog running up to my T.V., and saying “Fuck yeah!”
@AwalkingModification It doesn’t seem cool to me that you ripped on IStillBlaze @richrollin & @vagtasticgamer There’s nothing wrong with people liking the herb, including mmj patients with legit conditions. It’s better, safer, and more pleasant than the dangerous chemical drugs Big Pharma makes & its loyal doctors push on patients. Besides, we’ll still keep working toward fully legalizing it as a safer alternative to Ibuprofen, Tylenol & aspirin; beer, booze & cigarettes.
@Mr420woo A lot of legal changes start out flawed. This is a start. I take it, you’re in Arizona. If so, you need another petition drive to relax measures so that you can legally use mmj for your conditions. Best bet is to join forces with others in need whose conditions are left out and anybody that will help advocate, such as, the chapters of NORML in your state to get well organized for it. At least, this measure passed in Az. I’m in Tx. We’re still working on legalizing it here.
@AZCannabisConsultant *Thumbs up* in agreement with your word of thanks on behalf of all of us!
We would like to thank the voters in Arizona for doing what needed to be done! Now let’s set the standard for medical marijuana states !!
Congratulations are in order Arizona!!
finally… we should have had this back in ’96
It has passed, 4431 votes took it home. As a Crohn’s disease patient I look forward to finally not having to worry about self medicating. Also the ability to grow my own 12 plants will be something to watch for. I am a Cannabis Consultant in Arizona. We design, install, and help maintain personal gardens for patients. Everything from the “locked facility” that is state mandated to the clones or seeds/seedlings you need to start up your garden. Organics, hydroponics, DWC, just name it, we do it.
It has passed, what comes next? After too many years of having to deny myself the relief I need because I was busy worried about being a law abiding citizen.
Congratulations Arizona! Welcome to access to a gentle natural medicine that is literally less physically addictive than coffee, and is non-toxic (no one has died from taking too much). Nature heals, imagine that. Compare with your chemical medications. See which you prefer.
More Like Tha BEST!
@AwalkingModification Look, these are fucking jokes you fucking prude! Just because they slap fucking medical lable on MJ we have to be all serious now! Fuck you!
@AwalkingModification relax!