100 million Americans say yes to marijuana

Aaron Houston, who is the Director of Government Relations for the Marijuana Policy Project on legalizing marijuana. 100 million users? Here are links to some petitions, please sign them, if there are really 100 million users then it should be easy to achieve over a million petition signatures. www.change.org www.petitiononline.com www.petitionspot.com www.petitiononline.com
THANKYOU OBAMA…. yes we cannabis.
just remmeber shes russian n shes learnt english the american way. so when she says marijuana, shes saying it the russian way
There are a lot of deception going on and when a system care about the citizens, that system should always be seeking the Utopia best for its citizen. We have a right to the Natural Consumption of what we know works for us. If that right is taken away there goes our Liberty not only in this GANJA issue, but all there is to come that will be banned from us.
I learned today that the (VA) Veterans administration will not participate in the legalizing of the GANJA. There motto is We Care For the Vets. Vets should be allowed to participate in the Medical GANJA. Arizona is now one state that will participate in the legalizing of GANJA. Is it hypocritical for (VA) to not participate? (VA) remains dictorial to the Vets when their actions is contrary to their action. Vets needs to join in and command and demand (VA) Participate.
PART ONE: Ask the government about G13, Government grown GANJA. Why is the government growing GANJA and who are the users? Why isn’t whiskey/liquor/alcohol and cigarettes not being treated the way GANJA is being treated? Isn’t that somewhat schizophrenia, hypocritical…and the likes of?
PART TWO: Unnatural minds making laws against that which is Natural are our enemies. Should GANJA become legal, all those who have been arrested for just selling the GANJA should be release from jail/prison, if that is all they did.
PART THREE: The greatest fear of the unnatural minds who make these unnatural laws is that the people will become to enlighten, see the real them, become in harmony, order and balance among each other, and the unnatural law makers will no longer be able to CONTROL their minds and manipulate the people. This is the root cause of the unnatural minds reasons. What type of mind criminalizes that which is Natural?
Leagalize it you dummass!!! so we can shorten crim and put smiles on all our faces!
MARijuana. I love how people always say it incorrectly.
Please stop saying “uuh” when you are thinking. They are saying “uuh” before almost every sentence
The federal government oppossed legalization of pot because it is infested with ignorant, deluded, fundamentalist Christians who wouldn’t know a critical thought if it came up and bit them. Another classic example of how the archaic, absurd ideals of fundamentalist zealots retard the advancement of our society. Legalizing pot would generate benefits on so many levels, yet the idiots in gov are so deluded they will never see this
mannn mary wanna go to my room it will be fun man marry wanna is suree fun.
@pentaxsubversion they do have the right to govern themselves, and they do. its just that fedral law is over state law. an officer of the law in california cant go into a marijuana dispensary with their guns drawn and shut it down, they have no right because there employed by the state. but a federal officer can go in and raid the dispensary. its such a bitch, but hey lifes a bitch
The will not legalize for one reason… they want us dosed up on meds so that it will ruin our lives and have no self control.
hahahahahaha why cant she say it?
@beezyb42011 hemp, marijuana is a scare tactic we say cannabis
@pentaxsubversion not completely, then whats the point of a union
@HITWeed It makes sense if you know how to speak english… lol it doesnt matter, lets just go our separate ways and smoke mad spliffs
states should have the right to govern themselfs
@getajobgetalife can u repeat ur sentence but so it makes sense?
@HITWeed i mean the first time it was taken form someone dumbass
@getajobgetalife lol if u actually believe that marijuana was the cause of the siezure ur retarded. there would have obviously been a outside source and it was wrongly accused or marijuana would have been causing many more since than. silly goose